
Designed for Players Aged 4-6

Erindale Lions Little League » T-Ball

Our Program Details

Kids playing t-ball game on the ground

Junior T-Ball

Junior T-Ball is for players who are 4 or 5 years old as of August 31 or younger. There is no prior experience required.

On Tuesday nights, the teams practice and play a game combination. Sessions last 60 to 75 minutes and begin at 6:15 P.M.

Senior T-Ball

Senior T-Ball is for players who are 5 or 6 years old as of August 31 or younger. This program is designed for 5-year-olds who have had one year of Jr. T-Ball experience.

The teams play practice and game combo twice a week on Monday and Wednesday nights. Sessions last about 90 minutes, with 2 – 3 inning games beginning at 6:15 PM.

Baseball cap

Practice Field Details: Diamonds are S2, S3, and S4 at Springfield Park.

We ask that parents seriously consider volunteering to help their children and the program. There is no prior baseball experience required to coach at this level, and we guarantee that you will be well-supported.

For more information on our T-Ball program, please contact our convenor Ryan Balan (ryan@balanbaseball.com)

Three pair of ball in the grass ground